Transitions: Supporting First Nations, Metis & Inuit (FNMI) Students in School & Career Success

The Transitions project supports First Nations, Métis and Inuit (FNMI) Students in School and Career Success. The idea for this website emerged from the Ontario Native Education Counselling Associations’ (ONECA) research on FNMI student success. ONECA researched and developed FNMI transition materials, videos, and created an online portal where students, parents, teachers, counsellors, and other professionals can access materials to support student transitions through their education.

Location Ontario
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Roxane Manitowabi, Executive Director, Ontario Native Education Counselling Association (ONECA)
(705) 692-2999
37A Reserve Road, Naughton, Ontario, P0M 2M0

Project Details
Community Urban, Rural, Remote, Band office, Reserve community
Scope of Project Provincial / Territorial
Target Audience First Nations, Inuit, Métis, Youth (15-30 yrs), Adults (31-49 yrs)