Literacy and Basic Skills Program (LBS); Native Stream

Nokee Kwe Native Education Centre provides basic educational and literacy services to adult Native and non-Native learners. The Centre ensures that programming respects the culture and heritage of the learner, while ensuring their literacy and numeracy needs are met in a holistic and supportive environment.

In addition to assisting adult learners with reading, writing and numeracy, Nokee Kwe assist learners with academic upgrading services to help individuals develop the necessary skills for entry into college/university/trade/apprenticeship programs, GED preparation and Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) credit courses.

Nokee Kwe Native Education Centre also provides an orientation and exposure to Native culture, which enhances oral and cultural preservation and supports those learners who have a desire to learn more about Native "Traditional Teachings".

Specifically in regards to Essential Skills training, Essential Skills are embedded in all curricula.

Location Ontario
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Jake Martell, Literacy Coordinator, Nokee Kwe - Native Education Centre
(519) 667-7088
1069 Wellington Rd. S., Suite 104 London, ON, N6E 2H6

Project Details
Community Urban
Scope of Project Local
Target Audience First Nations, Inuit, Métis, Youth (15-30 yrs), Adults (31-49 yrs)