Kelsey Learning Centre

The Kelsey Learning Centre was designed to take adults 19 years or older who haven’t had success in the education system. We provide opportunities to support the completion of a high school diploma, a mature student diploma, and to improve numeracy, literacy, and digital skills.

The KLC has digital literacy for adult learning, culturally relevant teachings, literacy/numeracy upskill and Passport to Employment Programs to all Northern Learners.

3 main programs:
• Adult Learning: Mature student diploma program, that looks at the basic literacy needs of the entire learner, and is designed around their needs)
o Semestered Intake Age 19+
o Full daytime classes
o Dual credit programs
o Applied Business Technology classes available in evenings
o Prior Learning and Acquisition/Recognition (PLAR) Services, which factors in participants’ work experience, their work history, accreditations, and results of academic assessments - can offer high school credits based on their backgrounds
• Literacy Program:
o Continuous intake of participants age 19+
o ESL level 5 and up
o Focus on basic numeracy and literacy
• Passport to Employment: 18-week program to build confidence and power skills

KLC has been operating for 22 years, and is the only adult learning centre in the tri-community area. 93% of our students are aboriginal, and self-identify as either First Nations or Métis. Our work goes beyond to include life coaching – we don’t just deliver credits, we deliver a better life.

Location Manitoba
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Tara Manych, Kelsey Learning Centre
PO Box 4700, The Pas MB R9A 1R2

Project Details
Community Rural, Remote
Scope of Project Provincial / Territorial
Target Audience First Nations, Inuit, Métis, Youth (15-30 yrs), Adults (31-49 yrs), Older workers (50+ yrs), Persons with disabilities, Other