Journey to Success

The Journey to Success program provides urban Indigenous youth between the ages of 18-30 with essential skills development, job readiness skills, cultural teachings and other specialized skills that prepare students for one of the following growing sectors of hospitality and tourism, and healthcare as determined by labour market research.

The objective of the Journey to Success project is to prepare 112 urban Indigenous youth who are unemployed, under employed, or out of school with the skills needed to succeed in one of the two identified sectors. Participants complete 14 weeks of in-class training and with a potential to do an eight week work placement following program completion.

In partnership with Niagara College and YMCA of Niagara, the goals of the Journey to Success program are to increase essential skills, and provide informed career exposure.

Essential skills progression are measured through the Essential Skills for Employment and Education (ESEE) assessment tool, which is facilitated through Niagara College, and measures reading, numeracy, and document use.

NPAAMB utilizes the licensed Employability Skills Assessment Tool (ESAT) to measure soft skills progression over nine skills including time management, adaptability, confidence, and stress management.

Niagara College instructors teach several courses and a NPAAMB instructor teaches a cultural course. NPAAMB’s Coach/Mentor is in-class daily with the participants as support and to assist in connecting them to appropriate services, as well as learning assistance.

The overall approach is to provide an in-class college experience, which will prepare participants to either seek employment, pursue further education, or employment and training in order to achieve their long-term employment goals.

Location Ontario
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Amy Wilmott, Niagara Peninsula Aboriginal Area Management Board (NPAAMB)

Project Details
Community Urban
Scope of Project Local
Target Audience First Nations, Inuit, Métis, Youth (15-30 yrs)