Essential Skills Practitioner Training Certificate Program (ESPT)

Douglas College’s Essential Skills Practitioner Certificate Program provides training for people working in the fields of education, career development, employment counseling, workplace training and human resources. Participants develop the competencies, knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to work effectively to assess and enhance the Essential Skills of the diverse client populations they serve.

The program is 34 weeks long, consisting of 6 courses, 34 weeks of instruction. Course content is based on researched Essential Skills-identified constructs and methodologies, shared and translated into practical applications. The program is designed to assist practitioners to integrate Essential Skills into their daily work.

Courses are offered
• Online
• Face-to-face
• or hybrid courses ( combination of online and face to face ) for student groups where a fully online program may not be suitable

Douglas has offered Essential Skills courses since 2005, and has offered the certificate program since 2010.

While the program is offered to the public at large, Douglas has been involved in delivering this program on-site to over 100 indigenous organizations and communities in BC. Recently, Douglas staff has delivered ESPT training on site to Indigenous organizations/communities:
• SASET (Stó:Lō Aboriginal Skills & Employment Training)
• Okanagan Training & Development Council
• Aboriginal Community Careers Employment Services Society (ACCESS)
• Nisga'a Employment, Skills & Training
• Gitxaala Nation


Essential Skills, Douglas College
604 777-6152
David Lam Campus A1410-1250 Pinetree Way, Coquitlam, BC V3B 7X3

Project Details
Community Urban, Rural, Remote, Band office, Reserve community
Scope of Project National, Provincial / Territorial, Regional, Local
Target Audience First Nations, Inuit, Métis, Adults (31-49 yrs), Older workers (50+ yrs), Persons with disabilities, Other