Essential Skills Practitioner Training Certificate Program (ESPT)
Douglas College’s Essential Skills Practitioner Certificate Program provides training for people working in the fields of education, career development, employment counseling, workplace training and human resources. Participants develop the competencies, knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to work effectively to assess and enhance the Essential Skills of the diverse client populations they serve.
The program is 34 weeks long, consisting of 6 courses, 34 weeks of instruction. Course content is based on researched Essential Skills-identified constructs and methodologies, shared and translated into practical applications. The program is designed to assist practitioners to integrate Essential Skills into their daily work.
Courses are offered
• Online
• Face-to-face
• or hybrid courses ( combination of online and face to face ) for student groups where a fully online program may not be suitable
Douglas has offered Essential Skills courses since 2005, and has offered the certificate program since 2010.
While the program is offered to the public at large, Douglas has been involved in delivering this program on-site to over 100 indigenous organizations and communities in BC. Recently, Douglas staff has delivered ESPT training on site to Indigenous organizations/communities:
• SASET (Stó:Lō Aboriginal Skills & Employment Training)
• Okanagan Training & Development Council
• Aboriginal Community Careers Employment Services Society (ACCESS)
• Nisga'a Employment, Skills & Training
• Gitxaala Nation
Essential Skills, Douglas College
604 777-6152
David Lam Campus A1410-1250 Pinetree Way, Coquitlam, BC V3B 7X3
Initiative Impact
Specific Workshop Outcomes:
- Awareness and knowledge of ES
- Awareness of ES complexity levels
- Ability to use the common language of ES
- Ability to use ES tools and resources
- Ability to integrate ES pedagogical approach into instruction with learners resulting in skill building
- Awareness of current ES programs and best practices
- Over 1,100 courses have been delivered to FN Communities
- Over 400 FN participants representing over 100 FN groups
- 20 Certified ESPT Practitioners
In order to qualify for completion of the Essential Skills Practitioner (ESPT) Certificate Program learners are required to demonstrate they meet the following criteria:
- are currently working in any of the following fields: career development, employment counselling, rehabilitation, education, workplace training, human resources or a related field for a minimum of one year OR
- hold a college or university diploma or degree in a related field OR have one year of paid or volunteer work in an occupationally related training field
- successful completion of all 6 ESKL courses
- Application of training to ensure knowledge “sticks”.
- The logistics of providing training in remote locations and communities.
- Application during and immediately after training results in a higher level of confidence
- The ability to effectively integrate ES into learning that moves participants forward to build skills
- Engage in mentorship and coaching that supports initial application of skills and knowledge gained through courses.
Incorporation of Essential Skills
Workshop materials build participant’s awareness of all 9 ES and provide trainees with opportunities to develop ES skills through skills practice.
The program consists of the following 6 courses:
- ESKL 1000/1001 Introduction to Essential Skills or An Aboriginal Essential Skills Journey This course covers the basics of the 9 Essential Skills, where they come from, why they are important and how they can be applied.
- ESKL 2300/2301: ES Methodology and Task Analysis: Introduces participants to the methodology used in the International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS) and ESDC’ s Essential Skills frameworks with emphasis on complexity scales, deconstructing tasks to identify ES and complexity levels and application of task analysis.
- ESKL 1100/1104: ES Assessments, Interpretation and Application: Provides knowledge and application of ES assessments (formal and informal and self-assessment tools.
- ESKL 1200/1201: Creating an Essential Skills Portfolio: Presents a three step process for helping clients identify, understand and document their Essential Skills in a portfolio format.
- ESKL 1300/1301: Bridging the Gap: Enhancing Essential Skills: Assists instructors with developing and delivering learning plans to address ES skills gaps.
- ESKL 2400: Essential Skills Work Experience Study: An independent study module requires learners to apply the concepts taught through previous courses in a 30 hour work experience, paid or volunteer.
The courses are intended to teach frontline workers how to:
- Choose an appropriate ES assessment for learners
- Apply assessments
- Interpret results and debrief with learners from an empowering perspective
Project Components
Indigenous culture is integrated into “An Aboriginal ES Journey” which can be taken in lieu of ESKL 1000/1001 (Introduction to Essential Skills). This is an introductory workshop designed to make Essential Skills more relevant to Aboriginal Peoples by incorporating an Aboriginal world view (Aboriginal themes, learning styles, contexts and experiences). This workshop intends to make Essential Skills more accessible and meaningful to Aboriginal communities, and encourage Aboriginal organizations to create their own ways.
When delivering ES training on-site in Indigenous communities’, attendees naturally make connections between relevant training content and their own community members, community needs, challenges and resources. They are also working with peers/colleagues from within their own community. Many communities access an Indigenous mentor to assist front line workers apply concepts taught.
Facilitators need an in-depth knowledge of ES and course content. In addition they need to understand and have a connection with First Nations communities as well an understanding of Indigenous participant’s learning needs.
- Douglas College: Delivery organization
- First Nations communities/ organizations: Participants, training facilities