Enjikendaasang Learning Centre Book Mobile Program

The Book Mobile project’s goal is to promote reading within our community by providing free access to everyone. The project focuses on improving parents’ literacy, so that parents can in turn support and encourage their children’s literacy (operating under the idea that the Parent is a child’s first teacher).
The program is guided by the Biidaaban Kinoomaagegamik Parent Teacher Advisory Group and Colleen Toulouse, Adult Literacy Instructor at the Enjikendaasang Learning Centre. Funding for the program is through a grant from the Indigo Love of Reading Foundation (3-year project).
The Book Mobile responds to the TRC CTA Education 10: enabling parents to fully participate in the education of their children, while also promoting Indigenous books.

Location Ontario
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Colleen Toulouse, Enjikendaasang Learning Centre
(705) 865 - 2421 ext. 241
4008 Espaniel Street Sagamok Anishnawbek

Project Details
Community Reserve community
Scope of Project Local
Target Audience First Nations, Youth (15-30 yrs), Adults (31-49 yrs)