Anishnawbe Skills Development Program

The Anishnawbe Skills Development Program is a Literacy and Basic Skills Program from the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges & Universities / Employment Ontario. Funding is provided to deliver essential skills training to adults. As an Aboriginal (i.e. Indigenous) stream service provider, we provide core Essential Skills training with a cultural component.

The program will prepare the student to achieve 1 of 5 goals: a secondary school diploma, post-secondary education, getting employment or improving their employment, apprenticeships, or becoming more independent.

Location Ontario
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Walter Prettie, Thunder Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre
(807) 345-5840 ext. 9074
401 North Cumberland Street, Thunder Bay, Ontario, P7A 4P7

Project Details
Community Urban
Scope of Project Local
Target Audience First Nations, Inuit, Métis, Youth (15-30 yrs), Older workers (50+ yrs), Persons with disabilities