Change it Up: Employment Essentials

Change it Up: Employment Essentials increases employment opportunities for First Nations on-reserve by addressing core employment barriers and building true workplace readiness. These employment essentials are tailored for specific jobs or industry needs as identified by local employers and overall labour market needs in the region. Employment specifics include graduated work experience and ticket training as required.

The core curriculum is strengths-based, starting where students are and with the strengths they already have. It uses an appreciative inquiry approach to helping, which builds on what works instead of fixing what is “broken”. Individualized programming and differentiated instruction create an environment of choice and empowerment and there is a strong focus on building new brain pathways to foster change.

The program can be a valuable add-on to any workplace training program or serve as the basis of a foundational workplace training course. A Program Implementation Guide will accompany the curriculum to assist in expansion and use of the program in other regions.

Location Alberta
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Suzanne Anderson, Classroom Connections

Project Details
Community Reserve community
Scope of Project National, Regional, Local
Target Audience First Nations, Youth (15-30 yrs), Adults (31-49 yrs), Older workers (50+ yrs)