Apatisiwin Program

The program was developed to assist clients with gaining access to training, education, and skills development opportunities. We provide opportunities for Indigenous people to work on school, resumes, or practice for interviews, and eliminate barriers due to discrimination.

Vision: help Indigenous people improve their employability, achieve meaningful employment, and maintain their employment.

The Apatisiwin Program is a provincial program from the Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres (OFIFC) that is tailored locally. The Thunder Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre is one of many delivery sites of the program.

Our Approach: we need to have eligible clients (unemployed or under-employed, have a SIN, be 15+ years old, identify as First Nations). We have to be careful around our promotions – we want to find clients that fit the eligibility criteria, and we want to find the right employer who will hire our clients (they might need help with a wage subsidy – which we can help them with). We help the employer and employee meet halfway (make partnership).

The Apatisiwin Program is a personal community initiative. We are learning as we go along – we are always keeping an eye/ear open for opportunities or jobs in the community. We approach every opportunity with cautious optimism.

Location Ontario
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Stan Legarde, Thunder Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre
(807) 345-5840 x.9086
401 Cumberland Street N Thunder Bay ON P7A 4P7

Project Details
Community Urban
Scope of Project Local
Target Audience First Nations, Inuit, Métis, Youth (15-30 yrs), Persons with disabilities